Felt, W. Mark
If Deep Throat was indeed Mark Felt, then Woodward, Bernstein, Ben Bradley and Deep Throat himself were not, as has been commonly reported, the only people who knew the informant’s identity. The casting director of Warner Bros. All The President's Men was clearly in on the secret.
Mark Felt and Hal Holbrook may not be identical twins, but there is a strong resemblance. The same can be said for Carl Bernstein and Dustin Hoffman, as well as for Ben Bradley and Jason Robards. Bob Woodward and Robert Redford may be a bit of a stretch but if it’s 1976 and Robert Redford wants to be in your movie, you let him.
The Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB) lists Alan Shayne as the casting Director of All The Presidents Men. So far, Mr. Shayne has neither confirmed nor denied Mr. Felt’s extraordinary claim.