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Thursday, March 22, 2007

What I Know

When I was still young enough to care about how smart I was relative to other people, I remember having difficulty fathoming the Socratic maxim “the more you know the less you know.” Amazing what a few years can do. My ignorance has become my greatest if not my sole certainty. I think, though not particularly well, therefore I am, I guess.

What I wasn’t prepared for by the philosophers or anyone else was the dullness of other people. After all those years spent thinking I was smart but not nearly smart enough, I discover that I’m not really that bright but I’m still about as bright as anybody else - a disillusioning but strangely comforting thought.

Now I’m not saying I’m Einstein or anything, but I’ll bet if I was just a little bit smarter, I’d be smart enough to say that Einstein wasn’t all that.

So I would like to tread for a moment with the great and the wise and dare to amend the old saw that so puzzled my younger self. Here at last is my long awaited (by me) contribution to the canons of human understanding.

“We’re all daft.”

-T.J. Godfrey


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